
Zana Technologies

Solution Providers
Zana Technologies


  Country: Germany

  Founding year: 2018

  Key technologies: Chatbot, UI/UX, Machine Learning, Semantic Search, Voice AI

  Team size: 11

Zana Technologies is a provider of medical device-certified, GDRP compliant digital patient companions with chatbot and voice assistance for the healthcare industry.
We think that healthcare needs to come to patients. About one third of the EU and 45 percent of the US population lives with at least one chronic disease. Yet, patients see a doctor only 7.1 times a year. Who helps them in between?
Our AI supported digital companions help patients 24/ 7/ 365, bringing value to the whole healthcare chain: Patients can self-manage their disease and increase their life quality. Clinicians can better track patients progress and optimize treatment. Healthcare companies can integrate apps in clinical studies or products and interact with patients remotely, improving retention and outcomes.

About the Solution: Digital patient companion for at-home rehabilitation in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

URBAN TECH Challenge: Patient companion app for respiratory diseases

Challenge owner: Maastricht University Medical Center (the Netherlands)

Sector: Health Tech

Funding received: up to 27000 EUR

Type: Software

Customer focus: B2B2C

Target Market: National;Multi-country

The Solution is a digital patient companion designed for at-home rehabilitation in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). It integrates digital technology to support individuals with COPD in managing their condition and undergoing rehabilitation from the comfort of their homes. It  includes features such as personalized exercise programs, monitoring of vital signs and symptoms, educational resources, and  communication channels with healthcare providers for remote guidance and support. Overall, this solution aims to enhance accessibility, convenience, and effectiveness of COPD rehabilitation while empowering patients to take an active role in their care.

Meet the team
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