Smart City

Owners Partners

Solution Providers
Owners Partners


  Country: Spain

  Founding year: 20219

  Key technologies: Sustainable mobility, smart technologies

  Team size: 21

  Member of incubators/ accelerators/ programmes: sme4smartcities, GREENinMED, Eit Urban mobility, metabuilding, intecmed

Owners Partners is a company dedicated to accompanying companies through training, advice and the development of technological products and business models in different formulas, from the contracting of services to investment and participation in these companies in which the Owners become Partners.

About the Solution: QUICK

URBAN TECH Challenge: Smart tourism – mobility challenge for the city

Challenge owner: Zavod za turizem Maribor (Slovenia)

Sector: Smart City

Funding received: up to 27000 EUR

Type: Software and Hardware

Customer focus: B2B and B2C

Target Market: Global

QUICK is a smart charging station designed to support the integration of electric personal mobility vehicles (ePMV), such as e-bikes, into urban environments. The stations are equipped with innovative features including lockers with UV disinfection systems and air quality monitoring capabilities. Additionally, the stations incorporate solar panels on protective shelters to enhance energy sustainability. The system includes a user-friendly mobile app for end-users and a web app for city managers, allowing for efficient management and monitoring of station usage. QUICK’s design is scalable and adaptable, making it suitable for expansion and replication in various urban settings to promote sustainable mobility.

Meet the team
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